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Border Data Observatory

The border data observatory is the official data portal for the United States Border Health Commission in which house links to public use data that has been tailored for the border region. 

It is an online analysis query system that has been tailored to the border region.


Data are also available for place of death, month and weekday of death, and whether an autopsy was performed. Statistics for each of the 44 border counties in California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas are also available.


POC: Juan R. Albertorio-Diaz. ( Statistician, National Center for Health Statistics

Mortality: CDC Wonder

Provides an interactive interface that includes data from the Nationally Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System (NNDSS) on the incidence of nationally notifiable and emerging infectious diseases, including other relevant indicators for the U.S.-Mexico Border Region.


Note: County-level data, including the border region, on selected infectious diseases are currently available in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention NCHHSTP AtlasPlus.

Provides an interactive interface that allows the creation of basic maps containing information related to health center sites, grants, shortage areas, nurse corps, special initiative grants, facility locations, and service boundaries, including other variables of interest.


Offers a specialized Sites/Areas feature for the U.S.-Mexico border area where data can be added, allowing the user to display by state, county, and municipalities


Point of contact:

It is an online query system based on community-level data from the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP).


The system provides healthcare statistics and information to research hospital utilization, access, charges, quality, and outcomes for the border population.


Point of contact:

Infectious Diseases: US-Mexico Border Atlas of Infectous Diseases

HRSA: HRSA Data Map Tool

Hospitalizations: HCUPnet

Infectious Diseases

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